AP Studio Art

3D Portfolio, 2023

AP Studio is a student-driven course in which individuals investigate a particular inquiry that sustains them throughout the school year, culimating in a portfolio that showcases their finished work along with evidence of practice experimentation, and revision. Students are required to document all process and planning work as they strive to deepen their investigation through visual and academic research, art-making, and critique.

Drawing & Painting

Fall 2021

Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties

This was a theme-based project in which High School student's developed original artwork based on their fears, phobias, and anxieties from the real world, imagined scenarios, and dreams.

Narrative Illustration : Drawing as Communication

How can we an illustration enhance or emphasize a narrative? Students were challenged to tell a story, or depict a particular moment or scene from a book, song or fairytale through various compositional choices.


Miscellaneous Student Artwork

Artwork from a media and assignments including but not limited to Scientific illustration , Portraiture, and Figure illustrations.

Spring 2019


It’s not Easy being Green

Students began this Botanical painting unit with a small limited palette study. Students observed live plants and produced a series of thumbnails to decide on an appealing composition. Afterwards students were limited to just two complimentary colors and challenged to produce paintings with a range of values and three dimensional interpretation of their chosen botanical specimen.

Zooming in

This Project involved making observational drawings from Natural specimens and personal objects. Students then zoomed in on a certain part of their object and made more abstracted drawings of their objects, focusing on value and creating a more dynamic composition. Finally students translated one of their drawings using Black, white and gray cut paper. This simplification was an exercise in seeing, value and composition.